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First Steps


This is a prototype. Under Construction!


After you visit the website the following page appears. This is our start.

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Start the registration click the blue "Sign Up"-Button at the top right corner and fill in the following information: your name, email address, username and password. Finally, do not forget to read and accept the privacy statement. You should receive an email with a link to confirm the account creation.

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After the sign up you will recieve a activation-mail with further information to activate your account. If the activation is done you can log in and see the following dashboard.


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As new user you doesn't find any project and scenarios. How you create and simulate is part of the next step.

The dashboard shows a navigation bar on top. On the right you can find a list of links and the dropdown menu for managing your account. On the left is the logo from "EnSys" which is also the homebutton.

On the bottom menubar you can find various links to information about the developer, our github repository, use cases which you can use to create scenarios, a short FAQ and legal notices like the imprint, privacy and license of the software.

Create Project, Scenario, Energysystemmodell and Simulate


Under Construction

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Under Construction

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Under Construction

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Under Construction

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Under Construction

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Under Construction

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