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Usage with Python

Using within Python-Script

If you want to submit an energysystem from an external script, like a Website based on the Django-Framework, its possible with the python-request-package.

Therefore its recommend to call the function "/uploadJson". An simple example is given below.

INRETENSYS_API_HOST = "http://localhost:8000"
    params={'username': '', 'password': '', 'docker': True}


JSON: Contains the json-data from the energysystem, in the example the object from the class "InRetEnsysModel" is named "inret_em".

PARAMS: Containts a dictionary with three necessary arguments - Username: The Auth-Username for the "Universitätsrechenzentrum Ilmenau" - Password: The Auth-Password for the "Universitätsrechenzentrum Ilmenau" - Docker: A Flag, if it is set to True, the Simulations are solve within docker instances and the arguments given before are not required